Qantas Points Responsive Website
I was tasked with advising the structure of Qantas’ new website to inform their users on how to spend and save Qantas Points. The challenge was the illustrate and inform customers not only how to use the Points system but also inform them about all the possible ways you can earn points. From their daily shopping to trans-continental flights.
The Ask
This was the organise and design a website where users could check their points by logging into their account. Read articles and learn about the points system and also check flights in order to spend their points. Furthermore, Qantas wanted in inform users that the Qantas Point website was part of a family of websites.
The results
A 3 fold increase of Qantas points based on customer service data, a decrease in customers phoning customer support about Points related issues and an overall when surveyed a greater understanding of how Qantas Points work.
I further asked to create interactive elements to explain how such a website could be designed. I worked with Principle and After Effects to design concept videos to illustrate the teams ideas.